Free storage & file sharing

Google Drive or Dropbox aren’t always easy to get to. When you’re connected to Tsinghua’s network you can upload and share files using info.tsinghua. If you’re off campus, you can access them using the school’s SSL VPN (you’ll get redirected there automatically if you try to access info.tsinghua while off campus).

Set up

  1. Sign in to info.tsinghua and search the landing page (Cmd + F) for 虚拟空间. Click the highlighted item on the left sidebar.
  1. If you agree to the terms and conditions, click the 同意 button on the right.

You should land here (see below)…



Upload a file

  1. Navigate to the directory you want the file to land in
  2. Click the 上传文件 button (middle button in the top row)
  3. From the popup, click Choose file and navigate to your target file
  4. Click the 上载 button on the right

Share a file

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Receive a file

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